Five reasons to cruise the Sub-Antarctic

The untouched islands of the Subantarctic region in New Zealand make a wonderfully rewarding holiday tour. It’s no normal holiday destination though, with travellers here being treated to unique plant and animal species amongst stunning backdrops in one of the most remote areas on Earth. A cruise tour provides guests with getting the most out of the adventure as they are constantly moving between areas and all travel is done in a comfortable ship. Let’s look at 5 reasons why you should consider going on the Subantarctic Island cruise.


  • A photographers dream- there’s so much scope that its almost too much to bear, from napping sea lions to rocky mountains, the islands produce stunning magazine worthy shots. Each island offers something different to photographers and is great for both amateur and professional enthusiasts.
  • The best travelling companions- people come from all over the world for the Subantarctic Island cruise